Perfect carry-on bag for that geek in your family. My wife bought a pair of these bags for us and the first thing I asked her was why? We have two perfectly good, 500lb, giant 10 year old luggage bags that look like they’ve withstood a nuclear holocaust. Why did you need to go spend money on something new? With reluctance I kept my dirty, handles missing, flea infested luggage bag in the closet the last time I traveled and brought this one instead.Pros:+ It’s super light. 5-10 pounds at most.+ It has wheels and rolls…
Mildly Compressing and Do Not Slide Down, Worn All Day
PAWABOO Pet Carrier Backpack, Adjustable Pet Front Cat Dog Carrier Backpack Travel Bag, Legs Out, Easy-Fit for Traveling Hiking Camping, Large Size, Black
18.4 Inch Laptops Backpack, Extra Large Travel Laptop Backpack with USB Charger Port, TSA Friendly Flight Approved and RFID Anti-Theft Pocket, Water Resistant Suiltable for Large Gaming Laptop
Good Bag. I dig it. Larger than it looks.
Perfect carry-on bag for that geek in your family. My wife bought a pair of these bags for us and the first thing I asked her was why? We have two perfectly good, 500lb, giant 10 year old luggage bags that look like they’ve withstood a nuclear holocaust. Why did you need to go spend money on something new? With reluctance I kept my dirty, handles missing, flea infested luggage bag in the closet the last time I traveled and brought this one instead.Pros:+ It’s super light. 5-10 pounds at most.+ It has wheels and rolls…